First world problem pills

There is enough HIV-medication for everyone, sadly 22 million people worldwide have no access to it. The Dutch Aids Foundation wanted to change this. We, as western people, have the luxury of worrying about the smallest things, also known as ‘first world problems’ while people in other parts of the world are dying because they don't have access life-saving pills like HIV-medication. With the ‘First world problem pills’, we made the ridiculousness of western luxury problems relevant like never before. These 100% placebo tested pills are the solution for all your problems and at the same time a donation to the Dutch Aids Foundation. 

Because of the popularity of the ‘first world problem pills’ (which are actually peppermints) and the first world problem pop-up shop. We reached an international audience to tell the story in a positive way and raise awareness. In Addition to our goal of raising international awareness, we also raised a lot of money both in our pop up shop and our webshop full of smart persuasion design triggers.


